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- MOORE BREATHING Techniques for Meditation
MOORE BREATHING Techniques for Meditation
With no stressful ruminations, our brain can become still and calm.
Welcome to a 10-minute introduction to the breathing rhythm and style that are used in the Jim Moore guided meditation videos.
Allow yourself 10 full minutes to practice all parts of this breathing routine and include this breath as you follow any of our guided meditation playlist on YouTube.
Return to this tutorial for a refresher when needed.
I'll begin by explaining why this specific breathing pattern is recommended for the Jim Moore guided meditations.
I'll explain each of the four components of this breathing routine, and
we finish with three minutes of practice.
At the end of the introduction, I'll explain more about integrating this powerful relaxation technique into your daily routine.
Here's why I practice this breathing routine in my personal meditations and in every yoga class that I attend:
Our goal is to achieve a deep sense of calm and inner peace. The path to this goal requires that we occupy our analytical thinking mind and coordinate it with the relaxation response in our autonomic nervous system.
Through conscious, intentional control of the breath, we can couple together the thinking mind with the subconscious mind as we incorporate an age-old technique of channeling energy through our spine to our brain.
We can extend this coordination of the relaxation response to harmonize all parts of the emotional nervous system.
When The Brain Orchestra Is In Harmony
When our entire brain orchestra is vibrating in harmony, we have opened the door to our subconscious beliefs. We can now retrain our emotional habits to the better feeling habits of peace, bliss, and a love for life.
It may take 20 minutes to bring our overactive analytical thinking brain into a deeply relaxed and calm state of being. When we achieve this still point of sensing with our brain and we are no longer thinking with our brain, we can then begin to practice the script of our new emotional state of being.
Each time we repeat this practice of bringing our mind into a state of stillness, bit by bit, we are overcoming our responses to the stresses in our lives.
Create A Vision Of Your Future

Your personal meditations bring most benefit when you already have a clear picture of the future that you want to attract into your life. The more detailed that mental movie becomes and the more positive emotion that you can play along with that movie, the faster the benefits of meditation will be realized in your life.
Why Meditate Anyway?
We practice meditation because we believe that our thoughts have an effect on our lives. Thus, we sit still, and we invest time to clear our minds of negative energies and negative thoughts. And we intentionally practice thoughts and feelings of success and accomplishment.
Begin by finding a comfortable seated position with your spine straight up and down. Sit like you are a divine being because you truly are.
The Breathing Count
Relax your belly and breathe in through your nose for the count of three, and breathe out by contracting your abdomen for the count of five.
Relax and breathe in two, three. Contract and breathe out two, three, four, five.
Relax and breathe in two, three. Contract and breathe out two, three, four, five.
Again, relax and breathe in two, three. Contract and breathe out two, three, four, five.
Use this simple rhythm of breath at any time to overcome anxiety and bring yourself back to the present moment.
Relax and breathe in two, three. Contract and breathe out two, three, four, five.
Cleansing Breath Coil
As you breathe in, relax your belly and envision a long rope or a colored cloud or steam that you inhale deeply into your belly. As you breathe in for the count of three, this air travels along the back of your spine and coils up towards your belly button.
As you breathe out, contract your abdomen and envision this cloud of steam reversing direction. It is uncoiling and cleansing your negative energies from your body. As you exhale, breathe out all of the negative toxins from your body.
Relax and breathe in two, three. Contract and breathe out two, three, four, five.
Relax and breathe out negative energies as you exhale.
Relax and breathe in two, three. Contract and breathe out two, three, four, five.
Continue with your breathing.
Stable Base Root Lock
Next, we include the root lock technique, and then we add the pineal gland stimulation.
Continue breathing in for the count of three, and just before you contract your abdomen to exhale for the count of five, include the root lock. This entails lifting and contracting the muscles between your anus and your genitals.
Relax your belly as you breathe in for the count of three. Lift and lock your root muscles, then contract your abdomen as you exhale for the count of five.
Relax and breathe in, the cool coil of steam
lift, contract, and breathe out negative energy from your body.
Relax and breathe in two, three.
Lift, contract, and breathe out two, three, four, five.
Slow Motion Skull Shining

The last component in this breathing method is to accentuate the abdominal contraction and imagine a sensation of spinal fluid pressure towards your brainstem. This is a variation of the ‘skull shining breath’ technique from ancient yogic practices.
This approach to breathing actually does increase the circulation of spinal fluids and brain fluids, at the same time as coordinating the autonomic relaxation response throughout our entire nervous system.
In order to coordinate the rhythm of breath with the breath coil, the root lock, the abdominal contraction, and exhaling to purposefully accelerate the spinal fluid circulation, we must utilize all of the resources of our thinking brain.
If we correctly focus our attention on all parts of this breathing technique, there will be no time left for our brain to ruminate about the sources of our stress.
With no stressful ruminations, our brain can become still and calm.
From this vantage point of calm and peace, we can actually measure brain scans that show our brain has changed from the high beta brain state of fight or flight, down to the very low beta or even alpha brain state of peace and contemplation.
From this brain state, we can then access and practice our mental movies of the future success we want to create.
Moore Meditation Breathing Approach
With this introduction to the Moore meditation approach to breathing, I invite you to explore one of our longer guided meditations.
Remember this Zen saying:
"You should meditate 20 minutes every day, unless it's a busy day, then you should meditate for one hour."