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- The Modern Yoga Guru: Beyond the Mat and into the Digital World
The Modern Yoga Guru: Beyond the Mat and into the Digital World
Monetizing Your Passion for Well-being. An Author Community About Making Passive Income from Yoga and Meditation.
I want you to consider this in your next shavasana pose.
Your intention to ponder: Crafting a Yoga Legacy.
Consider this:
Passive Income Streams Can Make The Modern Yogi… Immortal

Beyond Quantum, Lets Get Timeless (image by author)
The Timeless Value of Yoga
and Its Online Potential
Yoga has stood the test of time, helping countless souls navigate the trials of life long before any of us were born.
As I begin to unravel the core, I realize that yoga is not just about fitness. Yoga is about changing your emotional habits just as surely learning to ride a bicycle - your brain is rewired and it will never forget.
The practice of yoga is scientific, with beautiful cultural roots.
When paired mindfully, yoga and meditation can aid people in transitioning from a traumatic looping memory of a past even into a brain that is rewired toward feeling the brighter, happier future.
This transformative power has been essential for humanity for thousands of years, especially when we consider trauma recovery and the age-old pursuit of happiness.
Now, imagine capturing YOUR unique wisdom, ensuring that your healing path may provide value, and thus generate revenue, even when you’re not actively engaged - or perhaps long after you've left this realm.
The work of ‘going beyond the mat and into the digital world’ isn’t driven by pure financial gain, but also by the desire to leave a benefit for the world that may last longer than we will… to make a difference…
It is an attempt to gain an immortality that we can never experience.
How To Get There: Feel It First
Few yoga teachers talk about the Savasana pose in the way I approach it. To my thinking, this is when our bodies and minds are at their most relaxed state, with stress hormones at their lowest.
It's the perfect time to vividly envision feelings of immense satisfaction for an event or an outcome that you are desiring.
As you immerse in the final meditative pose at the end of each yoga class, your whole being soaks in feelings that you are practicing.
Think about someone reading your work and imagine their gratitude and relief in finding the next rung on their personal climb to a better feeling. Let your body and brain reset on the benefits your readers MIGHT experience in their journeys.
Take Yoga Off The Mat and Into Your Day
But why stop there?
Let’s aim to carry these positive sensations throughout the day, and to write our musings down where the energy of those thoughts may be captured, encouraged, treasured, and grown by another mind.
The longer we personally bask in the blissful post-yoga feelings, the more we can recalibrate our own personal nervous system. By reconditioning our body's energy centers like the heart plexus and solar plexus, we encourage them to produce hormones associated with happiness, gratitude, and satisfaction. As we allow our bodies to exist in this state more consistently, we pave the way for a healthier, more balanced life.
But the influence expands even more!
Yoga teachers, this message is for you:

Yoga Teachers Offer a Unique View (image by author)
Your unique path to finding solace and understanding in yoga is worth sharing.
Your teachings, those daily inspirations you share in your vinyasa classes, can transcend the four walls of your studio. When you share these insights online, your words – which emanate from your unique consciousness – can touch lives.
They can become part of another person's journey to finding peace.
Your written words capture an essence of energy that, when absorbed by a reader, can profoundly impact their consciousness.
Divergent Meditation on Timelessness
It's essential to realize that we're not just focusing on short-term gains as we seek to organize our yoga experience to also generate a passive revenue stream.
By sharing your teachings online and exchanging value for value, you're investing a belief that your wisdom possesses timeless potential – your divergent meditations take on an aspect of limitless space and also limitless time because you really can continue to make a difference even after you're gone.
For those yoga students who are on the journey, and to those yoga teachers who are hesitant to take the plunge:
Remember that there are countless individuals out there, like me once, navigating through personal traumas, searching for remedies and willing to invest in what genuinely helps them.
By sharing your personal perspective on the life-changing benefits of yoga and meditation, you're shortening their path to relief; and your message might be in place and ready to touch a life that hasn’t even begun yet.
Meditate on the long-lasting impact of your work and become mindful of any diminishing and any self-doubting thoughts about your enormous and unlimited value.
It's time to release your fear of being ‘not enough’.
You have forever when you are a writer, and it will be effortless to help.
Imagine a time 100 years from now that your words may bridge the gap for others, helping them navigate their unique journeys - reflect on how effortless that was for you to help.
Connect with our author community and perhaps we can help you find a sustainable and meaningful way to grow your passion for yoga and meditation into a revenue earning project online.

Join our Discord community for Writers on Medium (image by author)