Yoga Class Series For Stress, Anxiety and Trauma Recovery

Mindful Yoga and Energy Transformation - New 10 Class Series

I’m so excited to be developing a new specialized yoga class series that has been designed specifically for anxiety reprogramming, stress recovery, trauma healing, grief management and coping with crises in life.

Guided Yoga and Meditation Series for Stress Recovery. (image by author)

Every step of recovery feels like relief, just like every step on a journey will bring you closer to your destination.

Focused on combining yoga practice with mindful breathing and energy center awareness, we follow a step by step, scientific approach to calm our brain and release the trauma from our body.

My Path To Sanity and Healing

I created this specialized series of yoga classes and meditation intentions as my own path to calm the storm inside my brain. I was desperate to find the feeling of emotional balance and my feet back on the ground again. My crisis also gave me powerful evidence of the ‘law of attraction’, and I started to deliberately build a new spiritual connection and a self-loving perspective that is new, wonderful, and still unfolding.

The good news? You CAN heal and feel wellbeing again.

From Crisis To Calm Again. (image by author)

Class By Class - Explained.

My 10-yoga class series has been my own path to intentionally craft a complete psychic shift - from personal crisis to calm, from ‘a lifetime of frustration’ to ‘an understanding of the process’ that naturally leads to correct thinking, correct feeling, and correct action.

Self Help Books Are Missing This Key

The steps to attain and maintain this state of being were never revealed to me in the decades I spent studying personal philosophies of success. All the self-help books were of little or temporary use to me until I combined this yoga series with Dr. Joe Dispenza's emotional rehearsal meditations.

It's important to understand that it's never been enough to just know; we must be guided in order to know how.

Break The Loop Of Thinking

This is the path that I forged. (image by author)

Stress victims of all sorts will fall into a loop of ruminating thoughts that change the way the brain is wired and alter the way we perceive. However, changing our thinking is just one part of the brain orchestra. The body and emotional memory centers must be cleared, and then led through an emotional rehearsal.

The steps to overcoming stress and thriving again each feel like relief. Reaching for that relief and gratitude is the work of the day as we rebuild these habits into our thinking and into our neurology, so that we are intentionally transforming the way we perceive the world around us.

Take these 10 steps towards relief and make them a habit as you calm your brainwaves, detox your body, and bathe it in the chemicals of gratitude, empathy, and openness to the unknown.

No longer pushing for results, we feel them and expect them, and practice this calm expectation feeling while we sit still and rehearse our worthiness.

The Science Behind This Age-Old Method

What you can expect to learn in my upcoming Yoga Class Series for Stress Recovery:

1) Know The Science

Every step feels like relief. (Image by Jim Moore)

Gaining knowledge is an important first stage so that you can best apply the theory and get the most from each yoga and meditation session.

I needed this knowledge in order to outfox the doubting voice within me, the voice that tries to convince me that I should do work for the 90 minutes that a yoga class would take. Armed with understanding of the science behind this recovery series, I can better prepare to outfox my doubting anxiety voice, the very voice that is evidence that I need the detox of a yoga class!

2) Build The Skillset, Step-By-Step

Unwire Old Emotional Habits, Wire New Ones. (Image by Jim Moore)

You will gain deep insight into the layering of one intention upon the other through the series of classes, so that you build an entire skill set. With this new skill set, each time you repeat the 10-class series, you gain deeper insights and more profound relief.

You will learn and practice the special Moore Breathing Method. This approach incorporates three vital aspects of breath and movement that encourage mental stillness, body detox, and an open link to the subconscious. We can intentionally rehearse the emotional patterns we need to practice and nurture into our base habits.

Through understanding the physics, we can assign more meaning to maintaining our attention on the coordinated sequence that goes into each breath.

3) Themed Yoga Class For Long Term Healing

Crisis and Chronic Conditions Need Long Term Work. (image by Jim Moore)

Yoga instructors and yoga schools can offer a dedicated class series. Your organization will gain a clearly focused set of classes that are tailored for people who are embarking on a complete psychic shift in their approach to life.

These people are in crisis or they are chronic cases where healing approaches must include long term relief therapy for the thinking mind, the body, and the emotional rehearsals that build the scientific foundation of methodical personal change. Yoga, breath work and guided meditations are the ideal trio for lasting personal change.

Every step of our recovery will feel like relief, and yoga schools have been at the center of healing for thousands of years. Now we can grasp the importance of these age old methods and even improve results with a scientific approach.

5 Stages of Stress Recovery

This 10-yoga class series is the practical application of Stage Two of ‘The Five Stages of Stress Recovery’, as detailed in my book "Overcome Stress and Thrive Again" by Jim Moore.

This course will introduce the five stages of stress recovery and will encourage readers to take a deeper look at each of the five stages, in addition to gaining the benefits of this yoga class series.

Namaste my friend.