ANXIETY RELIEF - 10 Minute Guided Meditation To Sooth And Calm

Release Anxiety, Overcome Panic Attacks. [Video] FEEL BETTER IN MINUTES

Begin by finding a comfortable seated position with your spine straight up and down. Sit like you are a divine being because you truly are. Relax and breathe in for the count of three, contract your abdomen and breathe out for the count of five. Use this simple rhythm of breath anytime to overcome anxiety.

Bring yourself back to the present moment. Feel like you are putting on a relaxation bodysuit. The boots make your feet deeply relaxed and warm. Breathe in, the leggings are heavy and feel your legs with the heat. The jacket is heavy and weighs down your arms. The hood is cozy and airy. Breathe in, you finish with a relaxation mask over your face. Straighten your spine and sit tall.

The goal of this meditation is to achieve a sense of calm and peace.

We can achieve this goal by occupying our thinking mind. Intentional control of our breath, we slow the thinking mind, and we awaken the sensing mind.

Reading as we bring our brain into a low beta brainwave state. Our thinking brain will be resting, and we can begin to practice the script - the new emotional state of being.

Repeat this meditation as often as you need to bring back that state of stillness and calm in your brain down.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Each time you find your mind thinking, focus your attention back on each part of the breath.

Feel your attention with the count of the cadence. Feel the rhythm of your breath. Our thinking brain is not enough to overcome the thinking brain; we must focus our attention on the sensing part of our brains.

We can totally overcome anxiety through understanding it and through practice. We are retraining our body to a calm state through the breathing rhythm we are doing now. Anxiety is a state of feeling.

Each state of feeling can be measured in a brain scan. Meditation changes your brain scan.

After just ten minutes of meditation, your brain scan will be different.

Anxiety is not a personality flaw. Anxiety is a measurable state of brain. Anxiety is a measurable state of emotion.

To overcome anxiety, first, we must still our brain. Breathe in, breathe out. Focus on your breathing down.

As you breathe out, squeeze your belly against your abdomen all at once. Our brain has come to a very still point.

Now it's time to retrain our emotions on purpose.

Let us bring up feelings of gratitude and appreciation. Let us feel thankful. Let us feel thankful and bask our body in this foreign.

Use anything that brings up these feelings. Find the smallest things and feel the biggest appreciation.

We attract into our lives the feeling state that we're holding.

This meditation is to practice the feeling of gratitude. Feel the emotions of thankfulness radiate this feeling in all directions.

Breathe in, breathe out.

From this new feeling state, we can now find solutions.

Breathe in, breathe out.

From this feeling state, our immune system is activated. Anxiety can be overcome with a guide. We can learn to overcome our own anxiety.

Return to this guided meditation as often as you need.

In future days, the calm you feel now will be your basic state from morning till night. Your daily meditations are just like watering a tree for a seasonal fruit.

Each day of meditation is important towards the good crop at harvest time.

Repeat this meditation, and find more of the Jim Moore Guided Meditation Videos on youtube until you become your own anxiety coach.

Wherever you are, I send you love.
