Sleep Meditation For Money

Subliminal Money Meditation With Neuro Linguistic Programming

By incorporating sleep meditation and neuro linguistic programming (NLP) into your daily routine, subliminal money meditations can begin to reprogram your subconscious mind for financial abundance.

Sleep meditation is a form of meditation that is designed to be practiced while you sleep. It involves listening to guided meditations that help you relax and let go of any negative thoughts or emotions that may be holding you back. By practicing sleep meditation regularly, you can reduce stress and anxiety, improve the quality of your sleep, and promote a more positive mindset.

Neuro linguistic programming is a set of techniques that are designed to help you reprogram your subconscious mind. By using language patterns and other techniques, NLP can help you change your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, which can lead to improved outcomes in all areas of your life, including your finances.


Welcome to this money affirmation meditation for sleep. I will offer subtle neuro linguistic programming to release your subconscious negative emotions about money and replace them with the energy that creates abundance.

This guided abundance meditation will impress these money affirmations upon your subconscious mind. Follow the mindful breathing to slow your brain waves and open the doors to your higher emotions.

Anytime you are distracted or feel negative emotions, return to the rhythm of the breathing while you imagine and rehearse feelings that are a proven magnet for money.

When I am attracting new money, I start this meditation every night before bed - and I am gently reminded that my thoughts have an effect on my reality.

I am allowing myself to explore and release negative beliefs that I have about money. I am allowing myself to feel new positive beliefs about attracting abundance into my life.

As I calm my brain waves, I can access better feeling thoughts. As I watch my breath, my feelings about manifesting money are becoming more relaxed.

Day by day, I am shifting my money mindset to ease and gratitude. I choose a positive money mindset first thing in the morning and my activity attracts and manifests financial results.

When I know my money is coming, I feel relaxed. The more mindful of my breathing, the more relaxed I become. The more relaxed I am, my work and communication successfully attract and manifest money into my life.

I am releasing my childhood feelings about money. I realize that financial abundance is an emotional journey.

My money mindset is open to a new and better feeling relationship with money. I am a person who keeps their extra money. I love to watch my money grow.

I am the kind of person who appreciates money that is a measure of gratitude for service. I am open to receiving different amounts of gratitude. I welcome small amounts of money with a big feeling of appreciation.

I can create actual magnets that attract money. I have the power to build a service that attracts money while I’m doing other things.

I am grateful for small amounts of abundance that my work has manifested. If I can make a single dollar, I’m already well on my way.

I am worthy of abundance, and I deserve all the money that I have. I deserve extra money.

I will make more money, my money will make more money, and my side hustles will make more money from now on until the end of my life.

I am ready to manifest a growing stream of financial assets and financial fuel so I can make a difference in the world.

I am aligning with the emotion that brings opportunity into my life. Today, I am consciously breathing new and positive feelings about the money my services will generate. I am consciously choosing to feel gratitude for the money that my energy will attract.

When I feel good as I see others prosper, I know more money will flow to me easily.

When I have extra money. I smile. I know that extra money will now work for me to earn more money, faster.

I don’t work for money. I work to make people feel good. It feels good when my service makes other people feel good. This is the energy that attracts abundance with ease!

Today, I watch my money work for me and I feel satisfaction that is more rewarding than pleasure while I do that.

Today, I position my money in a way that will bring abundance - and my future self is pleased.

My side hustle will attract and manifest money, and any amount is evidence that I can create money out of nothing.

Money is energy. When I match my emotion to anticipation, eagerness and gratitude - money must follow. When I expand my service to others - this is the energy of money in action.

I will create a path to new money today, my money will create new money today, my side hustle will create passive income today.

And all of it feels so good!

I don’t measure the amount of money, but I measure the evidence that I can create money. And that feels so good, I know I can create more.

When I am resentful - I know this is the energy that chases money away. I take 10 minutes and love myself enough to follow a guided meditation.

I spend money with ease and gratitude. Abundance is never ending when my energy is aligned. I attract and manifest more money than my expenses.

When I feel joyful for those who are experiencing money abundance, with happy action more money will appear in my life too. For me, my money literally makes more money for me.

When I put gratitude into a side hustle or a partnership, no matter who it is with, I get rewarded with great feelings, good times - and money too.

When my mind is calm, I think good thoughts. When I think good thoughts, I do good deeds.

When I think good thoughts, the universe rewards me with money.

Whenever I look, I find opportunity for abundance. I receive income when I least expect it, and that makes me feel so good.

I am a money creator because I finally understand money is energy. Money responds to emotion.

When I am attracting new money, I start this meditation every night before bed - and let my mind be gently reminded that our thoughts have an effect on our reality.

I make money no matter if I put a huge or small effort into things. Effort is not the key - emotion is the key to money.

I send forgiveness for my anxiety about money in the past. I understand that is the energy that was holding abundance away. I am relaxed now, and feel a comfortable gratitude instead.

I observe many people get unexpected money from passive income side hustles they have cultivated.

I feel excited for their abundance because I can model their success: I can do the same thing.

I am the kind of person who treats money like it is my friend. As I transition to deep relaxation I can rehearse better feeling beliefs about money.

This is the energy of gratitude that attracts and manifests new large streams of money. My subconscious mind is absorbing positive truths about money, new beliefs are being re-written at this very moment.

I deserve money. I am a worthy contributor. I am allowing my money to work for me because I deserve money abundance. I deserve to earn more money than I need. As my stream of money passes my expenses, I become relaxed and eager for more.

My abundant money is now a tool that I joyfully use to help others. I expand my audience and help more people through new partnerships that feel good.

Every morning I choose the emotions of gratitude that turn everything I touch into a money magnet.

I choose to attract and manifest with ease, with compassion and with the satisfaction of a useful service, efficiently provided.

With Mindful breathing through the day, I hold the energy that attracts a network of creative people. My abundance grows because I applaud the success of others.

I am attracting and manifesting new large amounts of money. My subconscious mind is rewiring to a new positive energy as I watch my breath.

When I feel worried about money, I realize this is the energy that makes money shy. I stop what I’m doing and follow a guided mindfulness meditation to calm my mind.

As I relax, I know of my worthiness. As I see my work helping others, I feel inspired. And the energy of the money magnet vibrates in the cells of my body.

Right now, I accept that I deserve money. I deserve abundance. My money allows me to enrich my service. And to live at a more relaxed pace.

I choose to become a money magnet and to hold the positive energy that attracts money. I choose to allow more money than I need to come to me.

I am opening myself for manifesting much more money. It feels so good to have extra money working for me.

I choose to live in the energy of abundance because I keep my extra money and make it work for me to grow even more money.

Money is growing in my hands every day. I feel content when I watch my money working for me.

The more money I have, the more satisfied and content I become. And the more I want to help others.

I have more money streams created every day. I now have new positive beliefs about attracting and manifesting money that naturally stimulate positive action toward the goals.

With each small step toward success, I feel the success and accomplishment of the finished project. Each time I hear this meditation, I become better at holding the energy that attracts and manifests money.

When I have a side hustle earning passive income, I feel more relaxed.

When I have extra money working for me, I feel more relaxed.

The more time I spend working on myself, the more relaxed I become.

I am the kind of person who is capable of attracting partnerships that create new sources of money. I am a person who loves abundance, both my success and the success of others.

I am open to receiving different amounts of money. I welcome small amounts of money with great honor, and larger amounts of money are also welcomed with equal energy.

I am a magnet for money of all sizes. I practice the energy that attracts money when I wake up every day.

I feel the worthiness of abundance because I provide great value for what I receive. I deserve the resources that I've attracted and manifested because they match my energy.

My attraction of money will continue to grow and the services that I provide continue to grow. I will attract and manifest extra money from now on until the end of my life.

When I feel hurried for money, I know this is the energy that slows down abundance. I change what I’m doing and follow a guided meditation to change my brain waves.

As deep relaxation sweeps away the chaotic thoughts, I remember, money is an emotional journey.

I now have new and different emotional habits that will bring new and different results with money.

I am now manifesting the energy that creates financial abundance. I am completely aligned with the energy that money brings to my life. Right now, I choose to attract and manifest money.

Whenever I see someone smile, I see they are attracting money. As I watch my money work for me to earn more money, I smile. I choose to grow my money and to feel joy and happiness while I do it.

Right now, my energy is attracting new connections with influential people. Right now, my side hustle is growing a new passive income source.

Right now, my extra money is growing. Right now, all these things are growing for me while I radiate the gratitude that attracts yet more!

Money comes to me easily and effortlessly while I do other things. I deserve more money than my expenses. When I have extra money, I can extend my service and help more people.

I am a money magnet because I love serving others, and money comes to me from passive income, money comes to me from new partnerships, and it feels good.

I choose to allow myself to attract and manifest more money. I am opening myself to grow the number of people that my side hustle reaches and serves.

It feels so good to work with money. It feels good to plan things with money. I am opening myself for manifesting more and more money.

I choose to live in the emotion of money abundance and let that feeling move me into action.

When I feel anxious about money, I return to this mindful abundance meditation to calm my brain state.

The energy of the money that is working for me, makes me feel a calm satisfaction. Satisfaction feels very much better than pleasure.

The more money I have, the more satisfied and relaxed I become. I have money working for me at every moment, day and night.

I am intentionally practicing new positive emotions about attracting and manifesting money. As time passes, my new emotions of eagerness and gratitude become a habit. As time passes, I realize discipline is easy when you mix the task with better feelings.

When I know my money is working for me, I have more time. With more time, I meditate on well-being and the success of my plans, and the more relaxed I become.

I maintain the energy that attracts unexpected partnerships, opportunities, sales and money. I am a person who appreciates the money I earn and I lovingly nurture it to grow more money.

I have no preference for amounts of money. I welcome small revenue streams, for I am watching the power of compounding grow the smallest extra money.

I am a real master of compounding money. I reinvest the interest that my money earned with more satisfaction than when I manifested the original money!

I have the power to grow my money and my side hustles every day. Money is a measure of service, and I deserve all the money that my service has manifested.

I am now manifesting financial abundance. I am completely aligned with the energy that money brings to my life. Whenever I smile, I know that my energy is attracting money at that moment.

And when I see another successful person with lots of money, I smile. They chose the energy that attracts money and I feel joy and happiness while I do it too.

My energy attracts an abundant flow of new followers. Opportunities are now seeking me out!

I have right now an unlimited number of opportunities that can be unfolded with this energy of gratitude. Right now I can feel satisfaction that my future self holds for me.

Right now money is seeking the solutions that I can provide. I nurture the money that I have earned and my money loves to work for me day and night.

My money makes more money for me. I use my money to create services for others, and my services make money for me.

Money comes to me easily, effortlessly and without struggle but not without work. When I add the energy that attracts money into my work, every step of the effort feels good - abundance simply must flow forth.

As I create the smallest stream of new money, I celebrate the evidence of my power to create! I’m excited to create the next step. I am a money magnet and use my money to expand my service to others.

I allow more money than I need. I am opening myself to manifest a reservoir of money that works for me.

It feels so good to provide small helpful services to many others. I work to serve people. I don't work for money. I work to make people feel better through every service I provide!

I am opening myself for manifesting more and more money. I choose to live with money in abundance all around me.

New money comes to my hands every day. The energy of the money I'm holding in my hands is making me feel anticipation for what is to come next!

The more money I have, the more relaxed and centered I become. I have money at every moment.

I am allowing myself to accept that feeling good is the next step to wealth, from wherever I stand right now..

As time passes, I become better at feeling good all the time. As time passes, I see new evidence that the energy that attracts money is worked into the quality of everything I do.

When I am attracting new money, I spend more working on myself. The more relaxed I become the more the emotion of attracting and manifesting money is written into my subconscious.

When I am attracting new money, I can’t afford to permit the shallow breathing and emotions of worry, fear or resentment to become my looping thoughts.

When I am attracting new money, I start this meditation every night before bed - and let my mind be gently reminded that our thoughts have an effect on our reality.

With a guided meditation on financial abundance, soon the energy that attracts money will become habit!

Namaste my friend.

May you be healthy, may you be happy, may you be wealthy.