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- Creating Your New Reality
Creating Your New Reality
Here's the No Brainer Logic of Exactly How Your Future Will Unfold
While walking alone on a desolate path, surrounded by a lifeless view - it is easy to become depressed... to feel abandoned and to project the lonely present into the possible future.

The bright days of good times and laughter with friends and family can seem like an unreal dream.
And to imagine better-days-to-come feels like a blatant lie when the present reality has taken everything you value from your life and left you with nothing but a cold fear in-your-gut.
Facts vs Opinions
It is difficult to focus on the FACTS that your current thinking will have an effect on the potential futures that lay ahead of you, rather than your opinion that everything is ruined for ever.
You get what you think about - want it or not.

Certainly, if you acknowledge the present reality in your life, good or bad, was directly influenced by your thinking in your past - it should be a no-brainer to take control of your current thinking and direct towards the ends you want to achieve in your future.
To remove your mind from things you can do nothing about, and to dwell on the things - no matter how small - that you can do something about.
Easier said than done.
But saying it is the first step.
If you would agree that thought comes before action, and action can cause an effect - which influences results...
everything you are experiencing today is a result your thoughts - in your past.
— MooreMeditation (@MooreMeditation)
2:48 AM • May 13, 2023

Next, beginning to make a list of items, circumstances and conditions that you Can Do something about and those realities that you Can't Do anything about.
With this to do list, no matter how small - your mind is beginning to focus.
From Thinking To Doing
Once the list of Can Do Items has been created, no matter how rough, no matter how small - it is time to take action. It is time to DOOO something about one of the items on the Can Do list.
Clean your environment.
Organize your closet.
Do the dishes.
Organize some papers.
Make an organized To-Do List on a day planner and write about the benefits that will come for completing each To-Do.
Small Things Make Big Differences

When life is at its worst, the smallest things can make the biggest difference.
Practice the little things, congratulate yourself, and then proceed to greater tasks.
Rebuild your faith in your bigger future by demonstrating to yourself that you can change the smallest things in your very near future.
Drink lots of water. Take deep breaths and exhale completely. Find meditation videos on YouTube. Search for advice by others who have been through what you are experiencing now - knowing about their path PAST and THROUGH a similar difficulty will help you focus on a better potential future during the terrible now.
It's been just about five years in the making, and now I'm delighted to finally be sharing my #yogajourney
Recovering from the #oldpersonality and discovering #selflove
I hope the steps in my path will shorten yours.
#mindful#mindfulness— MooreMeditation (@MooreMeditation)
12:28 PM • May 11, 2023