Compare Meditation Tracker Headbands

Track your brain waves and improve your meditation practice.

Comparing top rated bio-sensing and EEG technology to track your brain waves and provide feedback to help you improve your meditation practice or cognitive abilities.

  • MUSE 2: The Brain Sensing Headband - Meditation Tracker

  • Entertech Flowtime: Biosensing Meditation Headband

  • RISELY Biosensing Meditation Headband

  • OMNIFIT Brain: The Concentration Enhancing Brain Training Solution

  • LIFTiD tDCS Device for Improving Focus

MUSE 2: The Brain Sensing Headband - Meditation Tracker:

The MUSE 2 headband is designed to help you improve your meditation practice by tracking your brain waves, heart rate, and other biometric data.

It provides real-time feedback to help you stay focused and achieve deeper states of relaxation. The headband connects to a mobile app that offers guided meditations and other features to enhance your meditation experience.

Entertech Flowtime:
Biosensing Meditation Headband:

The Entertech Flowtime headband is another meditation tracker that uses biosensing technology to track your brain waves and provide real-time feedback.

It also includes guided meditations and other features to help you improve your meditation practice.

RISELY Biosensing Meditation Headband:

The RISELY headband is designed to help you manage stress and improve your overall well-being through meditation.

It tracks your brain waves, heart rate, and other biometric data, and provides feedback to help you stay focused and calm during meditation.

The Concentration Enhancing
Brain Training Solution:

The OMNIFIT Brain is a brain training solution that uses EEG technology to measure your brain waves and provide feedback to help you improve your focus and concentration. It includes a mobile app that offers various cognitive training exercises and games to help you enhance your cognitive abilities.

LIFTiD tDCS Device for Improving Focus, Attention, Memory, and Productivity

Designed for students, working professionals, video gamers, musicians and athletes--

 LIFTiD Neurostimulation is lightweight, easy to use, and developed by a world renowned science team. Maximize attention, focus, and alertness with just 20 minutes of neurostimulation a day.

The MUSE 2 and Entertech Flowtime headbands are primarily designed for meditation, while the RISELY headband focuses more on stress management.

The OMNIFIT Brain and LIFTiD are specifically designed to enhance your focus and concentration with OMNIFIT including a focus on cognitive training exercises.