Become an Author for 'My Yoga' Publication on Medium

First Person Experiences by Yoga Participants and Yoga Instructors

Become an Author for ‘My Yoga’ Publication

Do you practice yoga?

The new ‘My Yoga’ Publication on Medium is intended to provide recovering trauma, stress and anxiety sufferers a place to talk about how Yoga and meditation are helping you.

Do you teach yoga?

The ‘My Yoga’ Publication is intended to help yoga schools, yoga studios and yoga instructors to grow your yoga business with SEO friendly links back to your business website and social profiles. Let us help you become a respected authority for yoga in your area!

What Works

We are looking for quality over quantity. Personal and authentic experiences are healing both for the writer and for the reader.

We each come to Yoga for different reasons because we are each on a different stage of the Emotional Ladder. Some are attending Yoga while recovering from heartbreak, while others are lifting from general happiness to extreme states of bliss and mystical out-of-body experiences.

Many authors will be yoga students who may be beginners creating a yoga journal, while other authors will be Yogini’s with 1000’s of classes of experience. You are all welcome to share your authentic ‘My Yoga’ experience here.

These are the kind of articles we will publish.

  • Personal, first person experiences with yoga, mindfulness, and meditation.

  • Tell us what you do in your yoga and meditations.

  • Tell us how it makes you feel.

  • Tell us why you do it.

  • Tell us every day as you move through your recovery and healing.

  • Tell us every day as you guide your yoga class.

  • We want to look over your shoulder so we can learn from your experience.

What Doesn’t Work

  • Bland, Generic, AI Generated, SEO Tuned, Keyword-stuffed… I can spot that stuff fast and it just won’t work.

  • Advice type articles telling us what we ‘should’ do. Those won’t work.

Suggested Formatting


Image (with image credit)

Content (500 to 1500 words, 3 to 5 minute read)

About The Author section (with links to social profiles)